



7 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important In The Field Of Digital Marketing

7 Reasons Why email Marketing is Important

No one wants to stick with old-school strategies in a fast-paced digital landscape where every marketer is vying for attention. One tool stands tall, commanding attention and driving results: Guess what? Email marketing, for sure. It’s not just an example from the past but a dynamic force shaping the present and future of digital marketing. Still, is email marketing really a game-changer? 

And the short answer is yes! Email marketing is versatile in any way and enables you to connect with your desired target audience and increase sales like no other platform. Just like other platforms that have changed over time, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach your customers in ways never before thought possible. So, these are the highlighters of why an effective email marketing strategy works as the backbone of your brand’s digital success. 

The Basics of Art That Never Fails

Emails help keep your customers in the loop. People can easily check their emails whenever they feel like it, which makes them feel appreciated and not forgotten. This way of keeping in touch can cover everything from simple hellos to news about upcoming deals or what’s happening with the company. Plus, those who’ve signed up for your emails have done it by choice and will interact with them if they see something of interest.

It Is In Trends Forever 

Email marketing isn’t just a passing trend; it’s a timeless strategy that’s proven itself over the years. Since the beginning, email has been a fundamental part of online communication. Fast forward to today, and it continues to succeed as the preferred channel for businesses to connect with their audience. With the beginning of smartphones, emails are accessible anytime, anywhere, ensuring that your message reaches your audience no matter where they are.


Smart People With Smart Phones 

smart People with Smart Phones

Let’s fast-forward to today when Litmus reports that more than half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. Since most consumers rely on their phones for media and information, it’s a strategic art to focus on mobile optimization in your next SEO strategy—well-designed emails on mobile boost your conversion rates more than any other channel.

Sales, Sales, Sales

Having been around for over 40 years, email has really become a go-to way we all communicate. We’re all used to doing something with emails—replying, forwarding, clicking, deleting, making a purchase, or signing up. It’s a great way to get people to check out your website or take other actions. Believe it or not, a huge 25% of sales last year came from email marketing.

Get The Birdeye View On Campaigns

No doubt, email marketing tools let you see what goes down after you hit send on your email campaign. Keeping tabs on delivery, bounce, unsubscribe, click-through, and open rates provides key insights into how your campaigns are doing. You can adjust or ditch campaigns that need to hit the mark with these metrics.

Right Message To The Right Audience 

Gone are the days of casting a wide net and waiting for the best. Email marketing is becoming the power of digital brands, so they can customize their message to different audience segments to nurture leads, ensuring each message hits home. This smooth process of guiding prospects through your sales funnel boosts your business growth. Email marketing allows brands to send the perfect message to the right person at the right moment.

Affordable & Timely Communication

In marketing, timing is key! Email marketing is a great way to send timely messages to your audience without spending a lot of cash. It’s super affordable compared to old-school ads like print or TV, so even small businesses can use it. And by scheduling emails in advance, you can ensure your messages hit the mark at just the right time for maximum impact.

Different Types of Email Marketing

Promotional Emails

These emails inform you about new product launches, special offers, and fresh brand releases, encouraging subscribers to engage with engaging calls-to-action.

Informational Emails

From newsletters to announcements, informational emails help keep subscribers in the loop about company updates, industry news, and valuable content.

Re-engagement Emails

These emails help bring back inactive subscribers, reviving their interest in your brand with personalized packages and offers.

Statistics show that 50% of the online population uses email, and 98% of Americans have active email accounts, so the potential reach of email marketing is vast. Moreover, with four out of 10 people eagerly anticipating new emails, there’s a captive audience waiting to engage with your brand.

In Conclusion

Did you know that 91% of consumers are using email? According to a Hubspot survey, email marketing offers an awesome chance to connect with potential customers. And here’s an interesting fact: in the B2B realm, email is the go-to communication method for 73% of businesses!

It’s clear that email marketing is super important in today’s digital world. As your trusty SEO Agency, BRAND GURU is here to magnify your brand’s online presence with its creative SEO tricks, all while diving deeper into email marketing.