



Influencer Marketing Beyond the #OOTD and #SquadGoals

Influencer Marketing Beyond the #OOTD and #SquadGoals' highlighting advanced strategies in influencer marketing

Are we the only ones who feel that these days, scrolling through social media seems like attending a never-ending celebrity party?  When you scroll your phone – every post features an influencer lounging poolside (because #blessed) or rocking the latest designer threads (courtesy of #gifted). It makes you wonder, “Should I partner with influencers to promote my brand?

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Wait and be patient before you jump on the influencer bandwagon faster than you say “sponsored content.” There are various factors to consider than just a perfectly curated feed and a massive following.


You deserve a fact here: a recent Influencer Marketing Hub study found that 61% of marketers need help to measure the ROI of their influencer campaigns. Ouch. That’s a large part of the marketing budget that could go the way of the dodo bird.


Here, you will read the guide where you can easily consider these factors before entrusting your brand to a social media influencer with wanderlust and a flair for strategic product placements:


1. Know The Power Of Relevancy

Everyone’s fave, Kim Kardashian, could have a social media following as big as a small country’s population; if you’re selling artisanal dog biscuits made with organic yak milk (yes, that’s a thing), that partnership may not resonate with her audience so keep this in mind.

You must find influencers who match your brand’s vibes and align with your niche and target audience. 


Experienced and famous – because you wouldn’t cast Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in a delicate ballet performance, would you? Audience relevance is the backbone of a successful influencer campaign.


2. Engagement Over Numbers (Because Quality Wins)

It’s a hack, and some people never know about it – never be fooled by a follower count that looks like a phone number with a serious case of digits. A smaller, highly engaged audience is far more valuable than a million followers who just double-tap everything they see without engaging with your content.


Find originality and hire influencers who love genuine conversations in the comments section and whose audience actively interacts with their posts. Feel the difference here. You would love to have 1,000 super fans who engage with your products rather than 10,000 passive scrollers who don’t care about your products and services.

Influencer Marketing Beyond the #OOTD and #SquadGoals' highlighting advanced strategies in influencer marketing

3. Authenticity is the New Black (and Every Other Color)

People can smell a disingenuous partnership from a mile away, faster than you can say, “sponsored content gone wrong.” A brand must work with influencers who genuinely love and use their product. Why? Because a forced endorsement will backfire faster than you say, “influencer fail.”


If you know the memorable negative reaction Gwyneth Paltrow received for promoting “candles” on her lifestyle website (let’s say it wasn’t exactly her most shining moment). Always find authenticity to build trust among your target audience because authenticity is everything, and details always matter.


4. Content is King (But Credibility is Queen)

Not all influencers create engaging content, so always hire an influencer who creates high-quality content that matches your brand image. Among countless people (trying to be an influencer), you need to go for the one who consistently puts out engaging and informative content that could align with your brand’s message.


This is the secret—you’re not just borrowing their audience; in fact, you’re borrowing their entire reputation. No one wants their brands associated with someone who constantly posts negativity or questionable content, right?


5. Consider the Long Game (Because It’s Not For One Time)

Did you find an influencer quickly aligning with your brand’s long-term goals? If not, find one. You know, building a successful influencer relationship requires time to research with effort. You can hire influencers passionate about your industry and experienced in building genuine connections with their audience.


After all, you don’t want a one-time post. It might give you a temporary bump in traffic, but you will lose the long-term partnership. Make some effort for the chance that it could be a game-changer for your brand.


Choose Wisely (Because Smart Partnerships Lead to Success)

As we all know, “Influencer Marketing” booms the trends and feels like a powerful tool to gain new audiences in masses and grow brands faster.  


But first, consider these facts before starting if you desire to find the perfect influencer for your brand—a partner who is relevant, has a strong and interactive following, is authentic, creates original content, and has long-term goals. So, be confident, go ahead, and choose wisely.