



Why Do Businesses Need Email Marketing

Illustration of a business using email marketing to connect with customers

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing. It has been going strong for over four decades. Many people feel vary about this olden marketing strategy, however, in this case, old is gold.

Many businesses have fallen victim to the notion that “email marketing is dead.” But this could not be any further from the truth. Here are some stats that prove email marketing is still as crucial for business success as it was a decade ago.


Importance of Email Marketing

Here are some stats that show why businesses should not ignore email marketing.

  • Email marketing offers a staggering 4200% – 4500% return on investment. Meaning you can get anywhere between $42 – $45 for every $1 you spend on email marketing.
  • Email marketing ensures your message reaches your audience, since 99% of email users check their email daily. 
  • Email is the preferred communication channel for 60% of consumers.
  • 52% of consumers have directly purchased from an email.
  • More than 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing leads to higher retention rates.
  • Email marketing is 13% more effective than social media posts and 11% more than social media ads when it comes to conversions.
  • Automated emails can generate businesses 320% more revenue.
  • 41% of industry experts say email marketing as their most effective marketing channel.

These stats collectively illustrate that email marketing isn’t only alive but outperforming newer digital marketing techniques. If you are struggling to engage customers, build lasting relationships, and drive sales, email marketing could be the solution for you.


Benefits Of Email Marketing

As it has already become clear to you that email marketing is crucial for businesses to drive success. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of email marketing for businesses.

1- Promotes A Direct Channel Of Communication

Social media marketing relies on social platforms to be an intermediary for businesses to communicate with their customers. But that is not a problem for email marketing as it promotes a direct channel of communication between you and your customers.

It acts as a platform to keep your customers informed about latest updates, special offers, and new products. This promotes constant communication between brands and customers. Constant communication, in turn, fosters a sense of connection among customers. This helps make them feel more valued, leading to a more positive response to your marketing efforts.

2- Higher Return On Investment

Higher return on investment has been email marketing’s unique selling point, and rightfully so. Studies have shown that email marketing, when done right, can lead to a return on investment in the percentage of thousands.

The reason for a higher ROI in email marketing is because it makes it easier to target multiple segments of your target market individually. This targeted approach leads to significant increase in customer engagement and ultimately more sales.

3- Personalization

Personalization is that one silver bullet that kills the vampire at the end of every B-grade horror movie. In the case of email marketing, that vampire is the communication gap between you and your target audience. 

With email marketing, you can personalize your message based on customer data, preferences, and behaviors. You can segment your target audience based on these insights. Doing this will help you personalize your communication to different audience groups. 

This makes it easier for you to ensure that your content is relevant and engaging. This personalization leads to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

Illustration of a business using email marketing to connect with customers

4- Cost Effectiveness

Email marketing is more cost-effective as compared to other digital marketing channels. This is because it eliminates the cost for paid ads, making it a more sustainable option for businesses. This cost-effectiveness makes email marketing accessible to all businesses regardless of their size and budget constraints. 

Higher sustainability combined with the ability to reach a large audience makes email marketing an essential for your marketing efforts.

5- Increased Brand Awareness

By regularly sending emails, you make sure that your brand stays top of mind of your customers. Sharing valuable content, promotions, and updates through emails can increase brand awareness. Increased brand awareness leads to improved customer loyalty and trust over time.

6- Measurability

You can access robust analytics through email marketing. This helps businesses to track engagement rates and other metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. 

This crucial data enables you to refine your marketing strategies according to your audience’s preferences. By doing this, you make sure that your campaigns perform more effectively in the future.

7- Customer Relations Ownership

Email marketing allows businesses to build and own their contact list, unlike social media marketing. This ownership proves to be crucial for maintaining long-term relationships with your customers. Fostering long-term relationships with your customers leads to increased brand loyalty and trust.



All in all, email marketing is an essential tool for any business looking to increase customer engagement and drive sales. Email marketing also allows you to build long-term and lasting relationships with your customers. Not only that, it is cost-effective, provides higher ROI, and allows you to personalize your message. This makes email marketing a cornerstone of modern digital marketing strategies.