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Why Use Email Marketing?

If you are wondering why you should choose email marketing when you can leverage relatively new channels, you are not alone. But did you know? Email derives an ROI of $36 for every 1 dollar spent. Now that's impressive. Our experts in London leverage years of experience and deliver a strategy tailored to your needs. They know that including a video in emails can increase click-through rates by 65%. Brand Guru's email marketing services can help you build loyal customers, as 60% of users prefer to be contacted via email. A simple targeted email can do wonders for you.

What To Expect From Our Email Marketing Services?

Brand Guru is a full-service design and marketing company in London. We leverage our collective experience and deliver results as promised. Our email marketing gurus stay on top of industry updates and tailor strategies accordingly. We understand that every client's needs are unique, and work closely with you to help you achieve your goals. We have a "what's done is done" philosophy, meaning we do not use a strategy as a template for every client. You can expect an email marketing campaign that not only reaches but converts your targeted audience. Consult your email marketing guru, now.


Our Partners and

Our team of strategists, designers, and engineers deliver valuable, tangible customer experiences

Email Marketing Strategy You Need, Agency That Provides

91% of consumers use email, according to Hubspot. Unless your industry falls in the remaining 9%, not benefitting from email marketing may cost you a lot. Our email marketing experts know how a simple, targeted email can do wonders for any business. Brand Guru's email marketing service in London can help you remain in contact with your targeted audience, increasing brand awareness. We ensure that the campaign we deliver aligns with your goals and derives results as promised. Moreover, our strategies not only derive results but are also cost-effective. So, stop scrolling and tell us more about your business.

Why Choose Our Email Marketing Services in London

Brand Guru offers the most reliable, effective yet affordable email marketing services in London. Our experts begin by understanding your brand's needs. We believe in working closely with our clients to better understand what they want to achieve and work accordingly. Our support team ensures your queries are answered in a timely manner. As a client, you are updated every step of the way, meaning no more communication mishaps. We believe understanding your targeted audience is the key to a successful marketing campaign. Then, our experts tailor a strategy that meets your business goals and helps build a loyal clientele.


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